Signed & Inscribed Churchill Collectibles

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Please note that Signed & Inscribed collectibles includes all signatures, not just Winston Churchill’s.

Books Signed & Inscribed are a subset of Signed Books.

Signed (not books) refers to signed photographs, artwork, letters etc.: all items other than books that bear a signature (not necessarily Winston Churchill’s). Notable exceptions are Visitors’ Books: I have placed them in both these categories since they are obviously a book, but contain so many notable signatures.

Report: The Army Act and Air Force Act

Report: The Army Act and Air Force Act

$3,250 – Typed letter from Winston Churchill with authentic handwritten signature
Hardcover book comprises the 5 HMSO reports (1952-1954) + 2 Letters: Winston Churchill letter to Spens (Chairman of the Select Committee) & Spens’ draft letter reply to the P.M. (Churchill).

Field Marshal Montgomery Letter

Field Marshal Montgomery Letter

$1,750 – Handwritten letter signed by F. M. Montgomery
Autographed Letter Signed from Monty, concerning his world famous berets from the North African, Sicilian and Italian, and D-Day and European Campaigns.

Handwritten Letter: Winston Churchill to Pauline Clay (Astor)

Handwritten Letter: Winston Churchill to Pauline Clay (Astor)

$7,000 – Handwritten letter from Winston Churchill. Churchill’s Authentic Signature
Fine autograph letter signed “Winston S. Churchill”, London. Feb. 17, 1937. Warm, caring, 2 page letter of condolence to Pauline Spender-Clay (Astor) upon the passing of her husband.

Winston Churchill Original Portrait by Hailstone

Winston Churchill Original Portrait by Hailstone

$1,250 – Signed by the Artist: Bernard Hailstone
Bernard Hailstone later completed a colour portrait of Churchill which hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. I suspect this one was a preliminary…

Poems From the Desert – Signed by Montgomery

Poems From the Desert – Signed by Montgomery

$1,000 – Foreword & Twice Signed by B. L. Montgomery, General
The background to this book is very interesting. A collection of poems written by members of the Eighth Army while serving in the Western Desert from Dec 1942 to Feb 1943 under F. M. Montgomery. Illustrated by Stephen Gooden with his wife’s bookplate on inside cover. A unique book.

Arms and the Covenant – Signed by Churchill

Arms and the Covenant – Signed by Churchill

$14,000 – Inscribed & Signed by Winston Churchill. Woods/ICS A44, Cohen A107.3
1st Edition in pale blue dust-jacket. This book is special in that it is inscribed by Winston Churchill & Randolph Churchill…

Churchill’s Signature on Envelope. 1901

Churchill’s Signature on Envelope. 1901

$1,750 – Signed by Winston Churchill
This envelope, addressed to E.H. Caldbeck Esq. by Winston Churchill also features Churchill’s signature in the bottom left corner…